Appscribe debuts Android subscription service

It’s seems like every week there’s something new on the Android platform, and this week brings us something called Appscribe. What’s Appscribe you ask? Well, it’s a subscription-based service that gives people unlimited access to their catalog of more than 40 “Full Version” Android Games & Apps for a set monthly price of $3.95. Think Netflix for Android games and you get the general idea. It definitely sounds interesting and they have a 3-day trial going so we decided to check it out. Here’s what we thought…

Install and Setup

Setting up is simple as you sign up for the service, setup your account and download the actual Appscribe Android App. After that you just log into the app, and starting downloading games or apps to use. The app itself has games & applications broken down by category with a search function at the top; each application has its own little page with a description & screenshots so you can get an idea of what the app’s about before downloading it. Once you click install the game is downloaded to your device and after it is you’ll see the familiar android “Install” screen.  After that you’re good to go and can play away. The whole installation process is quick, but will depend on the size of the game you’re getting and speed of your connection. Some of these games are pretty big as they are the “full version” so keep that in mind when you’re downloading.

App and Game Selection

After browsing their catalog they seem to have a good selection of games from a wide variety of genres. They have space-based shooters and racing games like All My Enemies, Return Zero and Sinister Planet, but also have unique looking puzzlers like Joining Hands, Cranky Cat & Quell. Want an RPG game? They seem to have some of those as well with titles like Highborn and Legends of Yore. Overall, they have a nice selection of games with quite a few “Indie’s” in there as well, although I did notice a few bigger games like Farm Frenzy & Majesty : The Fantasy Kingdom.  They actual “App” side of the service is a bit light with only 4 apps at present, but they are nice ones with Solo, HDR Camera +, Paper Camera, and Ultimate Checklist.  We put out an inquiry to the site and were told they’re working to close out deals with 8-10 more App developers very soon. Appscribe also plans to add 1-2 new games or applications per week, every week which is always a good thing.

Our Take

After checking around a bit, there are similar services out there but most are either in limbo, rely on ads or don’t have as many games & apps. The regular price of the basic subscription is $3.95 for unlimited access to their catalog as long as you’re account is active. They have 3-day trials on-site and are also running a promotion for a limited time allowing users to subscribe for $1.95 per month. They’ve stayed true to their word with the app of the week thing so far as well with Paper Camera coming last week and Walkabout this week. Overall, the service has a nice looking catalog, and at $3.95 a month they have more than enough games to keep you busy. Not sure how long the free trial is going on, but you should head on over and check out Appscribe for free while you still can.

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